Woopsie!  Jennifer had to switch gears at the eleventh hour and do a show that was nothing like she had originally planned.  The masterpiece she had in mind didn't pan out, and she ran out of time.  Never one to let the quest for perfection obliterate progress, she goes on with the show.  Tonight is all about beautiful things, a theme drawn from an old musty book Jennifer picked up at her favorite thrift store this week called One Thousand Beautiful Things.  With a title like that, how can we go wrong?  Jennifer shares some gems from that little treasure trove,  takes us shopping for the perfect tailored jacket, and shares her opinion on the film Radium Girls.  Of course, there is plenty of chit chat along the way.  Spring has almost arrived in Kansas City and torrential rain is on tap; but we're warm and dry and basking in the soft glow of rose-scented candles!  There simply isn't anything better to do on this Sunday night than hang out in Circa 19xx Land.  We'll see you there.

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Jennifer's new Favorite Perfume
Vanille Abricot Perfume