Key Takeaways

The more diverse your teams the better your products and services will be.Women, especially women of color, have been disproportionally affected by the pandemic. Prioritize bringing more women into tech and leadership positions.Engineers are critical to the corporate ecosystem. Be sure to give them support to be creative and innovative.

Key Quotes

"There's huge value in bringing diversity around the table. Diversity not just in gender or race, but points of view and diverse opinions." - Rathi

“Being deliberate is really important, looking around the table and seeing who isn't there, and then making an effort to get them there.” - Leyla

“Disrupt yourself. Otherwise, someone else is going to disrupt you.” - Rathi

"If we really want to be a country or a corporate America where people do have a fair shot, then we have to be deliberate. We have to make space for everyone. " - Leyla


Rathi Murthy LinkedIn

Leyla Seka LinkedIn

Verizon Media

Operator Collective


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