Episode I of Cinematic Failures: The Podcast, a podcast where me and my friend, Robert discuss terrible movies. New episodes every month. Open to movie suggestions.

In this episode, we discuss the Happening (by M. Night Shyamalan), Airplane Mode (Logan Paul's movie) and Pinocchio (2002).

My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZdbbgiKm3yau4T9_JVpLBQ

This is my personal ranking of every episode discussed on this podcast: https://letterboxd.com/lawnmowerm/list/cinematic-failures-every-movie-reviewed-on/

And this is the list of movies, in no particular order, that we choose from each month: https://letterboxd.com/lawnmowerm/list/cinematic-failures-list-of-future-movies/