Now we have an episode... ho.. ho... ho...

It's Christmas Eve in L.A. and Corinne, Chris, Sarah, and Tim discuss the most exciting office Christmas party ever by watching that explosive yuletide classic Die Hard. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, sugar-enriched flour, partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil, polysorbate 60, and yellow dye No. 5.   Our theme song is "Nostalgia TV" by Edward Jonathan Blakeley through Lynne Publishing.

  Now we have an episode... ho.. ho... ho... It's Christmas Eve in L.A. and Corinne, Chris, Sarah, and Tim discuss the most exciting office Christmas party ever by watching that explosive yuletide classic Die Hard. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, sugar-enriched flour, partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil, polysorbate 60, and yellow dye No. 5.   Our theme song is "Nostalgia TV" by Edward Jonathan Blakeley through Lynne Publishing.