This week I get into the PR side of how things are going as this is the first week that a few media outlets are beginning to pick up some Groupers stuff, it’s getting pretty fun. Links to some of the early ones below. Also a link to the site where you can get tickets […]

This week I get into the PR side of how things are going as this is the first week that a few media outlets are beginning to pick up some Groupers stuff, it’s getting pretty fun. Links to some of the early ones below. Also a link to the site where you can get tickets to the October 1st limited engagement screening. More than 10% of these 116 weeks to make this happen has already passed, need to step it up, but how?

ONE NIGHT ONLY, October 1st – 7:30pm in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco & Washington D.C.

Download – Duration: 21:43

Shock Ya! 

Movie Web 

The Movie Elite 

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