THE GANG IS ALL BACK and joined by Dawson LIVE in the Greater Ventchat Community Discord to review Doctor Sleep(2019), but first…

James Dean will star in 2 films 55 years after he died.
New Scream Movie in the Works
Colin Farrell to be the Penguin?
Original Cast Returning for Hocus Pocus Sequel
Joker is Most Profitable Comic Book Movie 
Disney+ Starts on November 12th
Box Office (Nov 1-3)

We now have a new mid-week show called Cutting Room Floor that you’ll only be able to catch by jumping aboard our Patreon, so go give it a look and toss us some cash if you have extra. You’ll get an early release of the show (RAW LIVE SHOW on the weeks when we go live) most weeks and a bonus show every single week that no one gets for free!  If you don’t feel like tossing us a little dough, fear not because the regular show will remain exactly the same each and every week.  THANKS FOR LISTENING!

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Brent @XNotMalcolm
Rob @Robbap1
Reggie @Hiddanas

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You can find all of our previous scores HERE

Thanks for listening!!

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