Guitarist and total chiller Dave Cinquegrana ( joins me to talk Frank Zappa and the Alex Winter doc Zappa (
Dave is an accomplished, trained musician. He helps me, a dullard who barely plays guitar and can't read music, piece together some of Zappa's elusive world of music.
Oh, the Day in the Life of Frank Zappa doc I mention is here (
The "Eat That Question" Doc is here (
The long collection of Zappa interviews is here (
For completists, here ('s an episode of Dweezil and Ahmet Zappa's Man Show-esque TV program.

Guitarist and total chiller Dave Cinquegrana joins me to talk Frank Zappa and the Alex Winter doc Zappa.

Dave is an accomplished, trained musician. He helps me, a dullard who barely plays guitar and can't read music, piece together some of Zappa's elusive world of music.

Oh, the Day in the Life of Frank Zappa doc I mention is here.

The "Eat That Question" Doc is here.

The long collection of Zappa interviews is here.

For completists, here's an episode of Dweezil and Ahmet Zappa's Man Show-esque TV program.