If you've ever wondered what it's like to watch a movie with Adam, wonder no more. He recorded a commentary track for the classic 1979 low-budget indie Australian end-times car chase movie Mad Max. The movie's streaming on Netflix as of Sept., 2020, so if you're feeling lonely, play the episode as a commentary track and hang out with an intense but chill weirdo from New Jersey.
(Audio cuts off around the 54 minute mark. I figured out the problem but can't fix it. Sorry!)

If you've ever wondered what it's like to watch a movie with Adam, wonder no more. He recorded a commentary track for the classic 1979 low-budget indie Australian end-times car chase movie Mad Max. The movie's streaming on Netflix as of Sept., 2020, so if you're feeling lonely, play the episode as a commentary track and hang out with an intense but chill weirdo from New Jersey.

(Audio cuts off around the 54 minute mark. I figured out the problem but can't fix it. Sorry!)