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Quentin Tarantino wrote a book!
I read it and talked about it for a half an hour. Mostly off the dome but I had some notes and stuff. Remind me to write more but I just recorded the podcast. It's a half hour of me talking by myself. Give me a break!
Hahaha update I consistently get the title wrong. It's cinema speculation not speculations. There's only one speculation. It's singular. My bad.
So the book is Cinema Speculation and here's.a link to buy it ( in case that's something that appeals to you.
Also, I say book a couple times when I mean movie and vice versa. A little embarassing but I'm not going to re-record the whole thing because of that. I think I set myself up for a fall by critiquing someone else for sloppiness. So let this be a lesson about pointing fingers. Or don't. Who cares.
Also, the factual error I allude to but forget to flesh out is that he calls Brian De Palma's Obsession a flop but it actually made $4 million, which was healthy box office for the time. But after my blunder with the pluralization of the title, who am I to judge? Glass-house living motherfucker. LOL.

Quentin Tarantino wrote a book!

I read it and talked about it for a half an hour. Mostly off the dome but I had some notes and stuff. Remind me to write more but I just recorded the podcast. It's a half hour of me talking by myself. Give me a break!

Hahaha update I consistently get the title wrong. It's cinema speculation not speculations. There's only one speculation. It's singular. My bad.

So the book is Cinema Speculation and here's.a link to buy it in case that's something that appeals to you.

Also, I say book a couple times when I mean movie and vice versa. A little embarassing but I'm not going to re-record the whole thing because of that. I think I set myself up for a fall by critiquing someone else for sloppiness. So let this be a lesson about pointing fingers. Or don't. Who cares.

Also, the factual error I allude to but forget to flesh out is that he calls Brian De Palma's Obsession a flop but it actually made $4 million, which was healthy box office for the time. But after my blunder with the pluralization of the title, who am I to judge? Glass-house living motherfucker. LOL.