Is Ancestral Method different than Pet Nat?

This panel discussion on Ancestral Method was moderate by Nicole Leibon of LeNosse Knows consultation. She was joined by Yann Gilles, a French cider consultant, Levi Danielson of Oregon's RAW cider and David Carr of California's Raging Cider. This feature was was recorded at CiderCon 2024, the annual trade conference hosted by the American Cider Association.

(ltor) Nicole LeGrand Liebon, Yann Gilles, Levi Danielson, Dave Carr

The discussion centers around various aspects of cider production, specifically highlighting traditional cider-making methods like the "ancestral method.

Topics discuss on this panel

Cider Making Methods and Personal Backgrounds of each speaker   Ancestral Method of Cider Production This traditional method of cider making is particularly prominent in Normandy and Brittany, France.   It involves a two-step fermentation process: the first step is in tanks and the second in bottles, intentionally leaving both fermentations incomplete to retain some natural sugars and create a sparkling cider.   Technical Details in Cider Fermentation Discussions delve into the technical specifics such as controlling yeast population, managing nitrogen levels in the must, and how these factors affect the cider’s quality and character.   Influence of Environmental Factors Various environmental factors like orchard age, apple variety, and climatic conditions impact the nitrogen content in apples, which in turn affects the cider's fermentation process   Cider Quality Control Techniques    Techniques like racking, filtration, and the use of centrifuges are explored to manage fermentation and ensure quality.   Packaging and Bottling Considerations    The choice of bottles, pressure management during second fermentation, and how these factors impact the safety and quality of the final cider product are discussed

Cider Tasting and Consumer Preferences The session included a cider tasting, emphasizing the importance of understanding consumer preferences and the impact of specific cider-making techniques on the flavor and appeal of the cider. 2022 Cidre AOP Pays d'Auge Cuvée Réserve | Manoir de Grandouet (Normandy)   2023 AW Cider Pet Nat | RAW Cider Company (Oregon)   2020 Disco Nat, Metal House Cider (New York)   Jonathan & Liberty | Raging Cider & Mead Company (California)

Enjoy this detailed exploration highlights both the science and the art behind cider making, from orchard management to bottling and consumer satisfaction.

Contact info for Ancestral Methods Panel

Nicole LeGrand Liebon - @nicolegrandleibon - Vermont   Yann Giles - @yanngilles.cidre - France   Levi Danielson - RAW Cider - Oregon   David Carr - Raging Cider and Mead Company - Southern California

Mentions in this Cider Chat

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