Johnny Goldin and Lio Speigler continue the dialectic search for common ground.
Two guys who really care about the past present and future of the Jewish People and how Jews interact with the world.

Johnny makes a pitch for making Judaism "user friendly" to attract converts providing new DNA and preventing demographic erasure; while Lio speaks of a mythical purpose for Jews as an essential spark to keep the world in balance. He seems to believe that if Jews embrace that spark, Anti-Semitism will turn into Philo-Semitism (love and respect of the Jews).
Johnny sharply disagrees as his sense of History is grounded in social and natural sciences, while Lio's is grounded in religious mysticism and deep spirituality.
Lio wants Jews to be messengers of LOVE; Johnny says, "Who could argue against "love"?
Johnny celebrates the memory of 25,000 Jews at the March across the Brooklyn Bridge on January 5, 2020 and says, "It felt like being in Israel, only in English."

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