On February 29, 2020 Leap Year Day, three days before Super Tuesday, we joined thousands of citizens on Boston Commons for a Rally for Bernie Sanders for President.
We interviewed a range of citizens to understand their profiles, motivations, demographics, and personalities. 

Our intent was to go way beyond the mass media's  generic, boring, stereotyping, and lumping together of who Bernie supporters are. Let's face it, the mass media often
mis-characterizes events to fit their pre-existing narrative.

The dominant narrative about Bernie supporters, has been that "Bernie Bros" are disruptive, uncivilized, and playing a negative role in the Democratic Party.

Finding Bernie supporters who defy the stereotypes was as easy as A-B-C even on a cold windy day in Boston. Take this young man, "Q" in the above photo , who is a "traveling nurse", and a very active Bernie supporter, whose demographic is beyond unique: an American Muslim, born in South Africa of Ugandan parents, family moved to Newton, Mass at age six, had lots of Jewish friends, and is proud to be a supporter of Bernie as potentially the first Jewish President.

I call that a Demographic of One!

BARNEY FRANK next episode full length interview focused on Capitalism has Changed!

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