Segment One: My Dream contains the kernel of a true story of an actual dream at age ten about Mary, my fourth grade classmate and cute smart girl with a previously disclosed crush on me. This dream is recounted within the context of a childrens' chapter book autiobigraphical fiction of the early years of the narrator. Themes reach way beyond into the story of The American Dream, circa early 1960s Montgomery County, Maryland next to Washington, DC, one of the best and successful epitome's of the post WWII suburban American Dream. The story and the story of the story, culminate in the assassination of JFK November 22, 1963, as experienced by Johnny and Mary in their seventh grade of Junior High. 

Segment Two: The American Dream into the next generation. Thirty three years later, in the summer of 1996, Johnny has tracked down the real Mary, sent her the story book, and wants to see her after all these years but instead meets her daughter Jessica, age ten, visiting her Aunt in Takoma Park, Maryland, and loaded with questions to ask our narrator as they meet at a local cafe. Johnny finds sees Jessica's eyes and suddenly there is no distance from the past...

Segment Three: The Ultimate Betrayal told in the present includes the narrator's  reaction to the utter decimation of the "middle class" over the past forty plus years, and to the abandonment of fairness and justice in numerous venues. But Congressional Testimony in June, by Jon Stewart, Comedy Central's former Daily Show host, channeling the best of the Hebrew Prophets, attempted to wake up the nation about loyalty, and to whom it is owed. And one more thing about "the ultimate betrayal" : some of the people who've abandoned respect for those men and women, in the FDNY and NYPD and other rescuers, who leaped through fire and ash to fulfill a mission on 9/11, include those mental midgets who can't seem to respect MEN no matter what, or use the term "white men" as a knee-jerk label of denigration. Hello! It was almost Father's Day and the Congressional room was filled with HEROIC MEN--mostly Caucasian in fact, but who couldn't give a damn about that label!

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