JESUS IS THE WAY BACK TO OUR ORIGINAL STATE! THE GOSPEL IS THE FACT THAT GOD IS FAITHFUL PERFORMING HIS WORD WHICH HE HAS SPOKEN AND JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, PRECEPTS, COMMANDS, PRINCIPLES, THE WILL OF THE FATHER, HOLD UP WAIT A MEDIOCRE MINUTE LET ME PUT SOME SCRIPTURE IN IT! Read Ephesians 2 verses 5 and 6! RHEMA! Holy Spirit help us Mature! Father IN THE NAME OF JESUS I'm seeking the Kingdom of Heaven and Your Righteousness! Your Beloved Son In Whom You Are Well Pleased! Your Grace that's Sufficient for us cause Your Strength is Made Perfect In our weakness! Protocol! Milk then Meat! Phases of spiritual laziness take toll, Religion, Prison, heaven, hell, and euphoria come in many forms! Be not deceived! It's All Jesus! Salvation by Grace Through Faith! The Present Gift of Justification, Sanctification and Glorification! Hold up! Wait a mediocre minute! Let me put some Scripture in it! Line Upon Line Precept Upon Precept! You can't Fly till you're Kicked out of the nest! Thank You Jesus for Your Body that Broken and Your Blood that Was Shed by Full Assurance In The Heart today I Break this Bread! Like a child I imagine the spiritual veil over this realm lifted like in 2 Kings 6...Bible Thump Upside your head!