Show topics 1. A new study finds many company executives say they don't deserve the loyalty of their customers 2. Tools to help customers spread the word 3. Word of Mouth Marketing Summit To listen, click on the podcast icon...

Show topics1. A new study finds many company executives say they don't deserve the loyalty of their customers2. Tools to help customers spread the word3. Word of Mouth Marketing Summit

To listen, click on the podcast icon below.

Show notesLinks to people, companies, articles, blogs, etc. mentioned in the podcast

* Survey results from Strativity Group, Inc. * Robert Scoble* Steve Rubel* GM Fastlane blog* Latest American Customer Satisfaction Index ratings* Kimpton Hotels and its Inner Circle loyalty program* Dallas Mavericks* P&G CEO Alan G. Lafley* Marketing Wonk dinner in Chicago* Betsy Weber from TechSmith and her purse* Little Earth and its Brag Tags* Conference Calls Unlimited and its customized cards* WOMMA's Word of Mouth Marketing Summit * Church of Customer discount code for the Summit: welovemini* Guy Kawasaki's book Art of the Start* Jake McKee and his blog* Jason Berberich and his blog

Show musicIntro: "G.L.S." by Salme DahlstromBreak 1: "Top Floor, Bottom Buzzer" by Morphine Break 2: "You're So Gangsta," by Chromeo

Show length24:28

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