You’ve witnessed the transition - gone are the days of members attending Sunday services 4-5 times a month. As a matter of fact, churches are fortunate if a regular attender will walk into the worship center twice in one month. The modern church must begin to reassess it’s model in order to keep up with an on-demand culture and if the conversation doesn’t begin now the risk of being irrelevant as individual organizations heightens dramatically.

You may not have thought of it this way but through our mobile devices areas of our lives that might have once be separated into scheduled segments (church, work, school, personal, etc.) collide into one device. This means that we have more regular access to various parts of our lives and the church must compete with all the other areas. Where there is a challenge there is an opportunity.

In The Live and Online Episode you will be challenged to engage mentally into scenarios that are playing out in front of us right now in the church. If you’re looking for steps 1, 2 and 3 on how to balance this shift, keep looking. By the end of this episode you will find yourself equipped with facts, figures, thoughts and realities that will serve to influence your church communication decisions now and in the future.