I am led by Holy Spirit to minister a message for believers who desired for President Trump to win a second term in office. Because the presidency of Donald Trump was surrounded by so many prophecies of him serving two terms, many believers who voted for Trump were very disappointed and confused by the outcome.

They have questions like: What does this mean? Is everyone who prophesied Trump's win a false prophet? How did so many ministers get it wrong? Or is something else going on?

These unanswered questions for believers who voted for Donald Trump have the potential of weakening your faith in your own ability to hear God speak to you.

In this message, I am exploring these questions to give you a framework to process with Holy Spirit the outcome and provide some insight into prophecies from God.

Please note: if you are tired of hearing about the election, I get it. It is okay not to listen to this message. This message is for those who are still processing the outcome in light of all the prophecies of President Trump winning again.

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