Are you a tentmaker? Well, if you have a day job that is supporting you financially until your  business becomes profitable, then you are a tentmaker.

And guess what! You are in good company because the Apostle Paul was a tentmaker. His tent making business allowed him to flourish in his true calling. And without it, he wouldn't have been as successful.

I know as Christian entrepreneurs the holy grail for us is to be able to quit our day job and work full time on the vision that God has given us. While this is the goal, we can't not despise our day job because it enabling us to become successful at  what God has truly called us to do.

This morning on the Sunday Morning Bible Conversation Podcast, I walk you through the Bible and detail how the Apostle Paul strategically used his tent making business to support and accelerate his true calling, so you can effectively use your "tent making" business to accomplish the vision God has given you.