We find ourselves feeling powerless because we don’t realize who we are in Christ and that God has given us the power of decision. And with this power comes great responsibility, but it is our power to use. For example, many women in abusive marriages look to pastors and Bible teachers to answer the question, “Should I get a divorce or should I stay?” And many women get answers that they find unsatisfactory in either direction, and they are plunged into a feeling of powerlessness. Or maybe you are in a job that you hate, and you want to quit your job and start a business. But others are telling you to be responsible and not quit. Or perhaps you are called to the ministry, and your church leadership disagrees with you or doesn’t notice your ministry call. Yes, seek counsel from a pastor and trusted advisors, but at the end of the day, the decision (right or wrong) in any area of your life is yours to make.

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