Have you taken the time to prepare for what you’ve prayed for? When we submit our desires to God, we can become so focused on getting to our destination later that we fail to live our lives well in the here and now. Our rush to reach our goals can cause us to [...]

Have you taken the time to prepare for what you’ve prayed for?

When we submit our desires to God, we can become so focused on getting to our destination that we fail to live our lives well in the meantime. But there is so much life to be lived in the in-between season. 

Travis Greene joins me on The Sister Circle Podcast to discuss his debut book, Are You Praying for the Wrong Thing?, and the transformation that takes place when we steward our current season well.

If you find yourself always aiming for more, I believe this conversation will shift your focus back in the right direction.

Highlights from Today’s Episode

Do small things well
Find fulfillment in the present
Make peace our focus
Let revelation lead to preparation

Related Resources

The post #489 – Travis Greene – When Prayer Meets Preparation first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.