Have you ever looked up and all of a sudden you don't know where the time has gone? Well that is how I am feeling about this episode because here I am celebrating 10 years of podcasting!  That is correct - 10 years I've been at this podcasting business. I'll never forget the day (or [...]

Have you ever looked up and all of a sudden you don't know where the time has gone? Well that is how I am feeling about this episode because here I am celebrating 10 years of podcasting! 

That is correct - 10 years I've been at this podcasting business.

I'm excited about listening back to Episode One with you and enjoying the higher voice, the initial thoughts, and the core of the messaging from where this all began. I'm also looking forward to continuing. 

Here's to celebrating your 10. Here's to remembering where we started, and to why we keep doing what we do.

If you've been waiting to press start, now is the time. This is me asking you, what are you waiting on? If you just get started, maybe 10 years from now, you'll be glad you did. 
Highlights from Today’s Episode
The Four "Fs"

Food & Fitness

Related Resources

Have you experienced the power of writing things down? Check out this candid video!
To hear more about my story, read my book She's Still There.
Enjoy Episode #462, Build on What You Know.
Read the Show Notes from the very first episode HERE.

CLICK HERE FOR FULL SHOW NOTESThe post #480 – The Four “Fs” – Celebrating 10 Years of Podcasting! first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.