Can I be honest? Finishing what I start can sometimes be a struggle for me. Can you relate? While I begin with every intention of seeing each task, responsibility, goal, or endeavor through to the end, somewhere down the line, I can get off track. Another task to do, a book to read, [...]

Are you a finisher? No questions asked, starting is half the battle. Despite becoming distracted, lacking motivation, or feeling like there just isn’t enough time, you ARE capable of finishing what you start. The key is keeping the finish line in front of you. 

Becoming a finisher means deciding that what you are in pursuit of is worth the necessary effort to complete. Taking actionable steps towards your goals increases the odds of finishing what you start. Know that you have what it takes and move forward with the end in mind. Listen in as I share helpful tools to help you finish what you start.


Highlights from Today’s Episode

The keys to finishing what you start
The importance of settings goals
The support needed to find success
The way to plan for distractions and delays

Related Resources

Need help taking actionable steps toward reaching your goals? Grab Chrystal’s 90-Day Planner. 
Looking for community and accountability? Consider joining the Inner Circle. 
Wondering how to exercise discipline? Check out the Pomodoro Technique.

CLICK HERE for full Show Notes!

The post #445 – Focusing on the Finish first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.