Have you ever thought about the difference between responding and reacting? Whichever one you choose can make a big difference in the outcome of the circumstance and the health of your relationships. While most of us do not love change, the one thing you can count on in life is that change will [...]

Have you ever reacted in the moment only to regret it later? Our reactions to the unexpected can bring further chaos, but when we slow down and take the time to respond we make room for a constructive way forward. In this episode I dive further into the difference between reacting and responding and how whichever one you choose will set a distinct tone in the room. I hope you will join me for the conversation! 
Highlights from Today's Episode

There is a difference between responding and reacting
A thoughtful response brings clarity and peace to the situation at hand
You can learn how to be more responsive instead of reactive

Resources from today's show

Did you catch Podcast Episode #326, “Think Before You Speak”? For more on the power of your words, take a listen!

The post #338 – How to Respond, Not React first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.