I call her the “freedom girl”! My guest today, Christine Caine, wants people to live free through the power of Christ.  She is the author of How Did I Get Here? and co-founder of The A21 Campaign and Propel Women.    Christine has an insatiable desire to learn and to grow. Having recently earned [...]

Christine Caine is not only an author, speaker, and the co-founder of The A21 Campaign and Propel Women, amongst other things, but I personally call her the “freedom girl” because she is so very passionate about people living free through the power of Christ.  So it is of no surprise that the wisdom she shares in today’s podcast is overflowing with practical resources, prudent counsel, and a pinch of grace that will propel you to not only live free, but to be free to walk out God’s call on your life - no matter your age or season.
Highlights from Today's Episode

Passing on the baton
Being willing to be inconvenienced by God
Being marked by God

Resources from today's show

Connect with Christine Caine on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, or her website.
The A21 Campaign
Propel Women
Wheaton Cohort
The post #335 – The Beauty of Interruption first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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