Do you ever find yourself completely overwhelmed when it comes to making a decision? It could be as simple as standing in the soup aisle and feeling paralyzed - low sodium, homestyle, alphabet letters, extra noodles - it is too much! Can I encourage you right now? You are not alone and decision [...]

Do you ever find yourself completely overwhelmed when it comes to making a decision? It could be as simple as standing in the soup aisle and feeling paralyzed – low sodium, homestyle, alphabet letters, extra noodles – it is too much! Can I encourage you right now? You are not alone and decision fatigue is real. In fact, it is estimated that the average person makes 35,000 decisions a day! But the good news is that you have been gifted with a brilliant mind and equipped to make decisions. And if you are unsure of that truth, then join in this chat! 


Here are three practical steps that will help you in making better decisions: 

Talk it Out – Find a trusted friend/spouse/parent/therapist and give words to the thoughts rolling around in your mind. 
Sit it Out – Girl, sometimes your brain just needs some space! Take a nap, go for a walk, and give your soul some room to breathe. 
Map it Out – We all love a good pro/con list and sometimes the act of writing down all the details and seeing it on paper can bring the clarity that we need. 




And above all that – you have the Spirit of God inside of you that is the ultimate guide. God created you to be able to make decisions and to think critically. He also has equipped you with discernment and the powerful tool of your instincts. Proverbs 9:10 says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So whatever decisions you face today, you can make them with confidence as you ask your Father for guidance. 

Go conquer that soup aisle today – you’ve got this!


Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Learn to make better decisions
Tips to utilize discernment
Ways to combat feeling overwhelmed

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“In whatever decision you need to make, you can ask God to guide you.” – Chrystal Hurst 
“Your failure isn’t final.” – Chrystal Hurst 
“The more decisions you make, the better you will become at making them.” -Chrsytal Hurst

Other Stuff to Check Out

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Let’s Talk!

1.Who is a trusted friend I can go to for wise counsel? 

2. Where do I need to step away for a moment to help bring clarity and let my soul rest?

3. What is God saying to me today?

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #328 – How to Make Good Decisions first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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