Did you know that having a victim mentality can sabotage your efforts to live your life well? But what is a victim mentality and how do you know if you have one? A victim mentality is a mindset that affects how you live because we believe someone else has more power than you [...]

Did you know that having a victim mentality can sabotage your efforts to live your life well? But what is a victim mentality and how do you know if you have one? A victim mentality is a mindset that affects how you live because we believe someone else has more power than you do. It says you have no control and there is nothing you can do to change the situation.

While God has given us the power to choose and make decisions for ourselves, sometimes we can fall into a pattern of casting blame on those around us instead of owning the things we can truly control in our lives. 

You can recognize when you are walking in a victim mentality and learn how to start living as a victor. As you journey towards greater freedom to be all that God’s has created you to be, there are three things you can pay attention to and look out for to ensure you have a solid mentality oriented toward victory: your patterns of thought and behavior, your tendency to blame others, and the power you own in living your life well. Ponder these questions?

What thought and behavior patterns do you recognize in your life?
Are you using the actions or decisions of others as an excuse to stop trying? 
How are you using your power? 

No matter what has happened in your life, even if you truly have been a victim, you have the power to choose what your mindset will be and to take action based on an orientation toward victorious living. It might be hard, you may need to seek help, you may need to reach, but there is always something you can do. 

You are powerful! God has uniquely and divinely crafted you with power and authority as His child. I want to challenge you to remember who you are, and victim is NOT a part of the definition of who God has made you. You are victorious in Christ, more than a conqueror, and full of the power of the Spirit. God is calling you to rise up and walk in the authority of the position He has given you! So stand up, choose faith, and walk as the victor you truly are. 

Do you want to positively impact the narrative of your story and live your life well? Tune into this episode to start the change!

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“As long as you are breathing, you have the opportunity to choose.”
Two keywords that might clue us in that we are playing the victim – always and never.
A victor mindset says there is something I can do about it. It says I can learn and choose differently. 
Recognize the patterns, recognize when you blame, and recognize your power. 
Anything you don’t know, you can learn.
You only have the power when you recognize you have the right to choose and make decisions.
Faith is believing what God has said about you.
You have the power to make choices that will change the narrative of your story.

Other Stuff to Check Out

Want to hear more about this topic? Consider reading one of Valorie Burton’s books.
Take a listen to a closely related conversation, #290 – Healing After Hurt with Jennifer Greenberg.
Want to join my Inner Circle? Click here for details!

Let’s Talk!

What can I do to change this scenario?
What has God given me to do?
Who am I blaming? 
What patterns do I see in my life?
What could you have done differently? What will you do differently? How can you respond differently? What have you learned from this situation? 
Where and how can I change my thought patterns?

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #316 – Escaping a Victim Mentality first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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