How do you acclimate to a lifestyle of being loved after you’ve been deeply hurt? How can you feel the hope and presence of God during the darkest experiences in your life? Is it possible for you, as a survivor, to overcome fear, guilt, and shame as you navigate life? I believe that [...]

How do you acclimate to a lifestyle of being loved after you’ve been deeply hurt? How can you feel the hope and presence of God during the darkest experiences in your life? Is it possible for you, as a survivor, to overcome fear, guilt, and shame as you navigate life? I believe that even after circumstances of hurt and situations of dismay, healing is possible. God desires to provide you with His strength and righteousness in the times you need Him most.

Jennifer Greenberg talks honestly about trauma and the journey to restoration. Although our conversation touched on a delicate topic, Jennifer shared part of her personal story and offered encouragement that will not only benefit survivors, but can equip every listener with resources of overcoming downtrodden spirits, difficult seasons or yes, even those who may have been abused. We also discuss reasons to change your environment, ways to attain healing after instances of hurt, and tips to eliminate habits of fear (YES! Fear can be a habit). The presence of trauma does not have to dictate, nor define your faith because you have a loving Heavenly Father.

Even if you don’t always feel it, God truly loves you, so remember that all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose. It’s a love that knows no boundaries and reaches deep and can be received by all. 

Feeling discouraged by the troubles in your life? Wanting to draw near to God for comfort and wisdom after being hurt? Are you seeking encouragement to help you push forward in acknowledging areas of trauma? This timely talk with Jennifer Greenberg may be helpful!

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Adjusting to a lifestyle of being loved
Healing after abuse
Eliminating habits of fear
Restoring faith

Resources from today’s show 

Connect with Jennifer Greenberg on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
Grab a copy of “Not Forsaken” by Jennifer Greenberg.

Click to Tweet

“Part of waking up from abuse is acknowledging that you were indeed abused.” – Chrystal Hurst
“God clung to me.” – Jennifer Greenberg
“Just keep holding on.” – Chrystal Hurst
“Don’t ever let wicked people define your relationship with a holy God.” – Jennifer Greenberg

Other Stuff to Check Out

Check out my most recent book! The 28-Day Prayer Journey
Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship
Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content? Learn about joining my Inner Circle!
My book, Be sure to also check out my other books She’s Still ThereShow Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

In what ways has trauma affected your faith?
How can you experience healing and hope in God after being hurt?
In what way did today’s episode challenge you?

Connect with me…









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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #290 – Healing After Hurt first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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