Do you feel like you’re wearing a mask? Are you hiding who you really are from everyone around you? Have you been living in a pit of shame because of choices you have made? Are you aching to experience freedom but don’t know where to begin? It’s so easy to feel like we [...]

Do you feel like you’re wearing a mask? Are you hiding who you really are from everyone around you? Have you been living in a pit of shame because of choices you have made? Are you aching to experience freedom but don’t know where to begin?

It’s so easy to feel like we have to present a perfect version of ourselves to God and to our community. We hide our hurts, pain points, and addictions because of the pressure we feel to be women who have it all together. In the process, shame compounds upon shame, and we feel even more trapped by our sinful habits. But that’s not the life of freedom that God has called us to.

Ashley Abercrombie can relate to feeling captive to her sin nature and stuck in unhealthy patterns. In our chat, she shares her story of addiction, healing, and recovery. She talks about how dealing with her past helped her find Emmanuel, God who was with her, in her pain and brokenness.

The personal testimony Ashley shares emphasizes that you don’t have to hide your imperfections from God. He already knows we’re messy people. The good news is that He never expects you to clean yourself up on your own. His posture toward you is compassionate and merciful. When you’re in the middle of your mess, God still loves you and is with you as you become the person He created you to be.

You can find freedom today by recognizing that you’re in a process — one that’s ongoing and never-ending. Invite God to meet with you as you unpack your past, acknowledge where you’ve come from, and understand why you make the decisions that you do. Remember, you are never alone or too far gone to experience God’s grace and forgiveness.

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Moving forward by acknowledging your past
Letting go of perfectionism and forgiving yourself
Choosing compassion and mercy over judgment

Resources from today’s show 

Listen to Chrystal’s chat with Titia Owens about forgiveness and freedom.
Connect with Ashley on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
Listen to Ashley’s podcast, Why Tho.
Grab a copy of Ashley’s book, Rise of the Truth Teller: Own Your Story, Let It Like It Is, and Live with Holy Gumption.
Download chapter one of Ashley’s book on her website.

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“I know I’m free because I’m in a process. Freedom is ongoing and never-ending. I don’t have to be perfect all the time. I don’t have to get it right all the time in order to be loved, accepted, or have relationship.” – Ashley Abercrombie
“Knowing I’m in a process keeps me from striving towards perfection, which is perpetually disappointing.” – Ashley Abercrombie
“You can be clearly on a path to freedom and as you realize that there are spaces and places in your heart and mind that need to be unlocked. You can be free enough to see it and not shy away from it and be willing to do the work.” – Chrystal Hurst
“I do not have to be perfect to come to God. God is not looking for me to be perfect, and he doesn’t want me to clean everything up before I come to him. He loves me as I am and will be with me as I become someone that he created me to be. It brought me such great freedom to know that I’m loved where I am.” – Ashley Abercrombie
“We have this great God in heaven who says, ‘I love you right now. And because of my great love, I’m going to help you heal. I’m going to help you recover.’” – Ashley Abercrombie
“God’s posture toward us is compassionate and merciful.” – Ashley Abercrombie
“If you’re spending more time on social media than you are in the Word, you need to ask yourself, ‘Who is pastoring you?’” – Chrystal Hurst
“From the beginning, God has not been expecting perfection. He knows his kids are sinners. He still loves us, he still wants to be with us, and he still allows us to move in this world in a way that is important and significant.” – Ashley Abercrombie

Other Stuff to Check Out

Check out my new book! The 28-Day Prayer Journey

Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship

Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content? Learn about joining my Inner Circle!

Be sure to check out my books She’s Still ThereShow Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

What in your past is holding you back from moving forward?
What areas of life do you tend to clean up before going to God first?
Are you quick to show compassion and mercy? Why or why not?

Connect with me…









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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #287 – Finding Freedom first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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