Far too many women remain stuck and discouraged because they lack the support they need to keep going. What difference would it make, or has it made, to have a woman who is grounded in Christ in your corner cheering you on and helping avoid unnecessary detours of life? This is the work [...]

Far too many women remain stuck and discouraged because they lack the support they need to keep going. What difference would it make, or has it made, to have a woman who is grounded in Christ in your corner cheering you on and helping avoid unnecessary detours of life? This is the work that God called author, speaker, mother, grandmother, and mentor, Barbara Rainey, to do the same. Titus 2:4-5 says, “And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” The truth is, God has called us all to this work. He calls us to share our experiences and wisdom as we walk the path He provides for us. 

What are you doing with the prayers you have prayed on your path? Who is being impacted by them? Your prayers are not just for you. 

Today, I am talking with Barbara Rainey about how a shift in perspective changed how she talks to God and how her conversations with God connects her to other women. Barbara has learned to open her deepest hurts to God through prayer and, when appropriate, to share with others. In her new book My Heart, Ever His: Prayers for Women, she emphasizes the importance of being vulnerable with God and also being open to sharing with other women. 

What if helping a woman get unstuck, came from merely sharing with her what you had shared with God? The usual perception of mentoring can feel complicated and overbearing. Barbara shares what organic mentoring resembled in her own life and how she has learned to be available to others as she grows in godly wisdom. God has provided a path before you, and I’m sure that path led you to pray various prayers. Allow another woman to tune in and walk beside you. Our past pain and prayers can be gifts to those searching for a reason to keep going.

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Redefining mentoring women
Praying vulnerable prayers 
Praying from our deepest hurts
Sharing your prayer

Resources from today’s show 

Want to connect with Barbara Rainey? Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or on her blog at Ever Thine Home Blog.
Check out Barbara and Dennis Rainey’s ministry, Family Life Ministry. Explore Barbara’s personal ministry, Ever Thine Home
Looking for a way to connect with your spouse? Plan a getaway with A Weekend To Remember
Purchase Barbara’s latest book, My Heart, Ever His: Prayers for Women 
Learn from Barbara’s mentor, Elisabeth Elliot
Read Corrie Ten Boom’s, The Hiding Place, to gain her wisdom.

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My greatest mentors were not people I knew, my greatest mentors were older women whose stories I read. -Barbara Rainey
Know that is sovereign and that He is good. – Barbara Rainey 
You have to learn to trust that when God brings hard things into your life, He is doing it for good purposes. He knows what He is doing. – Barbara Rainey

Other Stuff to Check Out

Did you catch my last episode on online dating with Margot Starbuck? Listen here.
Download my summer activities idea guide
Check out my new book! The 28-Day Prayer Journey
Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship
Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content?  Learn about joining my Inner Circle!
My book, Be sure and also check out my other books She’s Still ThereShow Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

How can you be more honest and real in your time with God?
What do you need to share with God from the deepest parts of your heart?
How can you shift your perspective of mentoring to reach out and touch the life of another woman?
Which areas could mentoring bless your life? 

Connect with me…









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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #267 – Connecting Through Prayer first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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