Times are hard. Things aren’t going the way you planned; 2020 hasn’t been at all what you envisioned it would be. You are stuck in the middle of a difficult season, and you can’t wait for it to end. On top of that, even though you are not okay when others ask how [...]

Times are hard. Things aren’t going the way you planned; 2020 hasn’t been at all what you envisioned it would be. You are stuck in the middle of a difficult season, and you can’t wait for it to end. On top of that, even though you are not okay when others ask how you are doing, you force yourself to smile and just say, “I’m fine!”

I had an opportunity to chat with Esther Fleece, author of No More Faking Fine and Your New Name: Saying Goodbye to the Labels that Limit. As you might guess from the titles of her books, Esther has a timely and encouraging message for all of us. 

The way Esther encourages us to respond to difficult seasons (like the one we are right now!) is completely contrary to the way we tend to react naturally. Rather than frantically wishing that difficult seasons would end ASAP, we should instead accept them, allow ourselves space to lament and quietly, patiently trust in God to make the path in front of us straight. Our circumstances don’t define us; they don’t name us. As a child of God, having moments when you fail doesn’t make you a failure. Echoing Proverbs 3:5-6, Esther reminds us that when all we see is our limitations, God sees the future he has planned for us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” (ESV)

 Far too often, we allow our circumstances and what we believe about ourselves to label us (“I’m a failure,” “I’m worthless,” “I’m weak”) and limit us instead of believing in who God says we are and claiming the names He has given us (“I am beloved,” “I am a child of God with a beautiful inheritance”). Esther shares a few ways that we can begin to learn about our identity in Christ and to recognize the false labels that are limiting us. 

Our conversation will encourage you to not only be honest with yourself and others but also to be honest with God our Father. God wants to use even your most difficult seasons to bear good fruit for His glory. The God who can bring the dead to life can certainly transform loss into gain, weakness into strength, and pain into joy. (Ephesians 1:19-20)

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Allowing yourself room to lament 
Bearing good fruit in difficult seasons 
Discovering what God actually thinks about you
Breaking free from labels that are holding you back

Resources from today’s show 

Connect with Esther on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or on her website. 
Purchase a copy of  Your New Name: Saying Goodbye to the Labels that Limit and No More Faking Fine 

Click to Tweet 

“Minimizing your story doesn’t bring God more glory.” ~ Esther Fleece
“Lament is an expression of grief that God meets you in.” ~ Esther Fleece
“God, more than a loving father, wants to hear about your good days and your bad days.” ~ Esther Fleece
You’re never too far off from God.” ~ Esther Fleece 

Other Stuff to Check Out

Did you catch my last episode with Jill Briscoe? Listen here.
Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship
Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content?  Learn about joining my Inner Circle!
My book, Be sure and also check out my other books She’s Still There,
28 Days of Prayer, Show Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

Even if the present seems hopeless, how have you seen God weaving bits and pieces of your story together in the past? How might he be working in the present?
What labels are you accepting and claiming that are not from God? 
In what areas of life are you walking in bondage instead of freedom? Which labels could you claim that would set you free and give you strength?

Connect with me…









How to Listen to The Podcast

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1. Listen right here on the blog. Click the little play button at the beginning of this post.

2. Listen on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play! – Be sure and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Also, if you would be so kind as to leave a rating on iTunes and/or write a 2-3 sentence review there or on Stitcher?  Your commentary or rating helps make the podcast more “findable” by others who might not know it exists!

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #258 – Letting Go of Labels first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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