At any given time, we all have a lot on our plates.  Someone might even look at all we have going on and ask us, “How do you do it all?” To which many of us will say, “Only by the grace of God.”  But is there more to it? Is the grace [...]

At any given time, we all have a lot on our plates.  Someone might even look at all we have going on and ask us, “How do you do it all?” To which many of us will say, “Only by the grace of God.” 

But is there more to it? Is the grace of God all we need to consider as we attempt to balance the details of our days?

The truth is that we still have to do our part. We must still own our responsibility to be attentive to what we sacrifice in order to “fit it all in.” It is important to make sure that in our effort to get it all in, we don’t miss the most important assignments God has for us. What if we are getting in our own way? What if the way we think is not correct and we are seeking to do it all because of our own insecurities? Or maybe we are doing “all the things” because we don’t trust God — we don’t trust who God is or in His ability to work in lives on our behalf. What if your incorrect thinking about God or yourself is hindering you from completing your assignments?

So, how do we renew our minds and grow our capacity to accomplish more? 

I caught up with wife, mother of seven, and author, Sara Hagerty, to find out one of her secrets to growing your capacity. 

Sara has discovered some pretty amazing byproducts of true adoration and has written Adore: A Simple Practice for Experiencing God in the Middle Minutes of Your Day, to help all of us discover the power of growing in affection as we spend time with God. 

Now let’s be honest, when times get hard and we’re facing unforeseen circumstances, adoring God is the last thing we want to do. “Sara helps us to see that adoring God is not about another spiritual practice we need to pick up. Adoring God is more about being willing to come to Him, in those moments when we don’t feel like talking to Him. She gives us permission to admit “I barely know You, God,” and with this honest admission, to scoot a little nearer to this familiar stranger.”

The practice of adoring God helps us to focus on who He is and what He’s capable of.  It also helps us to come face to face with who we are in light of a loving Father. Adoring God resets our thinking which then reframes what we do every day.

Sara challenges us to truly “pray without ceasing,” and gives us a fresh way to dialogue with God; focusing on who He is and our appreciation for that. As you listen to this episode, you will hear the importance of renewing your mind and practical tips for doing this throughout each day. 

The goal isn’t to fit it all in but, instead, to do what is important for us to do in light of who God is and what He wants for our lives.

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Renewing your mind 
Growing your capacity 
Submitting to God’s timing
Growing your affection for God 

Resources from today’s show 

Connect with Sara on Instagram, Facebook, or on her website.
Listen to the Audiobook sample, of Adore: A Simple Practice for Experiencing God in the Middle Minutes of Your Day, and preorder your copy today!  Adore: A Simple Practice for Experiencing God in the Middle Minutes of Your Day
Purchase a copy of, Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World That Loves to Be Noticed, and Every Bitter Thing is Sweet: Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things
Want to spend more time studying the Bible? I’m sharing 20 Ways to Read Through the Bible. 

Click to Tweet 

“Maintaining a lifestyle where I am present with my kids and growing in God means that I have to be willing to grow slow.” ~ Sarah Hagerty
“Growth doesn’t happen overnight.” ~ Sarah Hagerty 
“Growing slow is beautiful.” ~ Sarah Hagerty 
“Compassion will go a lot farther than reactive correction and anxiety.” ~Chrystal Hurst

Other Stuff to Check Out

Did you catch my last episode with Debra Fileta? Listen here.
Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship
Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content?  Learn about joining my Inner Circle!
My book, Be sure and also check out my other books She’s Still There,
28 Days of Prayer, Show Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!

Let’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

What practical things do you do to renew your mind? What will you add to this list? 
What interferes with your desire to spend time with God? 
Who is God to you? 
How do you set a tone for adoration in your home?

Connect with me…









How to Listen to The Podcast

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1. Listen right here on the blog. Click the little play button at the beginning of this post.

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #254 – Growing in God first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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