I like to hold on to things that are meaningful to me. As nice as that sounds, it often results in me having way too much stuff around my house. For example, even though my daughters are now in their 20s, I still have a bunch of things from when they were little [...]

I like to hold on to things that are meaningful to me. As nice as that sounds, it often results in me having way too much stuff around my house. For example, even though my daughters are now in their 20s, I still have a bunch of things from when they were little girls! And when my boys came along, I became an even bigger “keeper-of-all-the-things.” I collected (and still have) big bins for each of them, complete with hanging file folders for each year of their lives. 

Boxes, bins, and piles. This is my life.

Now, I will say that I do have organization in my blood. Exhibit A: the file folders for my sons. Exhibit B: I rarely lose things. I’m very good at maintaining boxes, bins, and piles. The thing is… sometimes I know what’s in them. Sometimes I don’t.  

My conversation with mom, fellow homeschooler, and organization master, Kristi Clover, made me feel better about the current state of my stuff and also gave me insight into how to better approach the way I think about the organization of my home. In particular, it was truly freeing to talk with Kristi about how organization won’t look the same for everyone. 

Whether it be online systems or systems within my home, The key is to thoughtfully develop simple systems that best serve your personal, unique end goals and then to intentionally honor those systems consistently.

Now, I know I’m not alone in my struggles. Aren’t many of us in constant search of new ways to get it together and stay organized by using new systems in apps on our phones or in calendars on our desks. If you have ever found yourself wondering, “Where on earth did all of this stuff come from?!” or tried to use organization systems only to see them quickly go by the wayside, you will truly be encouraged as you listen to my chat with Kristi. It is possible to make your family and personal spaces that you love.  

Kristi has actually written an entire book on getting organized:  M.O.M. Master Organizer of Mayhem: Simple Solutions to Organize Chaos and Bring More Joy into Your Home. In this episode of the podcast, she drops some great life hacks and practical organizational tips to help us all get our spaces together. 

Kristi has the ability to look at a particular disorganized situation and help each individual find their way out of it. What she always challenges her friends and clients to do is 1.) to figure out exactly why they want to get organized and then 2.) to accept the need to structure their organization around their specific families and contexts.

We are working towards living a life we love, right? As you listen to the show today, consider how organizing the cluttered areas of your life might actually enrich it by freeing up mental space for you to better love God and others. I’m hoping that by the time you finish listening, you’ll feel motivated to clean out a drawer, a cabinet, a box or two, or maybe even tackle an entire room!

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

How to make organizing a habit 
How to set organization goals 
Practical tips for decluttering 
Helpful systems for staying organized 

Resources from today’s show 

Connect with Kristi on her website, Facebook, or Instagram.
Check out Kristi’s Book, M.O.M Master Organizer of Mayhem: Simple Solutions to Organize Chaos and Bring More Joy into Your Home
Download Sanity Savers by Kristi Clover

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“Having an organized home does not mean you have to have a perfect home.”  Kristi Clover 
“If your stuff isn’t blessing you, give it to someone else who will be very blessed by it right now.” Kristi Clover 
“Habits can be changed if we understand how they work. Changing any habit requires determination.” — Kristi Clover 

Other Stuff to Check Out

Did you catch my last episode with Kasey Van Norman? Listen here.
Need to encourage your soul? Try listening to the playlist I put together for my mom, Lady Lois’ Worship
Interested in supporting the content I create and enjoying bonus content?  Learn about becoming a co-producer!
My book, Be sure and also check out my other books She’s Still There,
28 Days of Prayer, Show Up For Your LifeKingdom Woman!
Did you catch the latest video I uploaded to my YouTube channel? I shared a message I gave recently at my church on The Sword (The Word of God). Watch it by clicking HERE.

Let’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

Do you or anyone else in your family have hoarding tendencies? How do those tendencies affect you and those around you?
What specifically is your reason, your “why,” for getting yourself organized? (You likely have more than one “why.”)
Do you have any tips for organizing that have served you well? Please share them in the comments below!

Connect with me…









How to Listen to The Podcast

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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #249 – Simple Solutions to Organized Chaos first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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