As Christians, we all know that we need to commit to reading and understanding the Bible. But many of us find that, for whatever reason, we don’t read the Bible nearly as much as we’d like, let alone truly understand and take to heart what it has to say.  Maybe whenever you’ve tried to pick [...]

As Christians, we all know that we need to commit to reading and understanding the Bible. But many of us find that, for whatever reason, we don’t read the Bible nearly as much as we’d like, let alone truly understand and take to heart what it has to say. 

Maybe whenever you’ve tried to pick up the Bible and start reading it, you’ve had no idea where to start. Maybe you’ve been able to commit to reading random passages, but feel completely overwhelmed when it comes to understanding the overall story or the theology behind it.  Maybe you’ve been wanting to dig deeper on Sundays or in a small group, but are holding back, unable to commit because you still have old wounds that are standing in the way of you walking towards healing.

Wherever you are in your study of God’s word, I know that Whitney Capps, my guest on today’s podcast, has wisdom and advice for you. She certainly shared a lot that I was blessed by, not to mention how much fun it was chatting with her! Because Whitney grew up as a pastor’s kid, she was shocked later in life to discover that many women didn’t have the same experience of spending time in God’s Word that she did. Seeing such a great need, Whitney sought to address it. Her life’s calling is to help women move past their insecurities and become confident about studying and sharing God’s Word.

Listen, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed or anxious when you try to read God’s word, because you can trust the Holy Spirit to help you get it right. I understand that you might feel you have little to offer. You may wonder if you are smart enough, wise enough, or insightful enough.  I wonder that sometimes too! But I believe that God can do a lot with even a little. I’ve seen him do it in the lives of others and in my life as well. In fact, it actually seems like God often prefers to use people who have little to offer, because it gives him greater glory (just read 1 Corinthians 1:26-31!). What matters is that we are willing to offer what we have. We don’t need the best commentaries or a seminary background. All of those things are very good, but they aren’t necessary.  All we really need is a desire to know God. 

While Whitney is grateful to have been able to grow under the pastoral leadership of her father, she also admits there were some challenges growing up as a pastor’s kid. I totally get that. It was good for me to chat with Whitney about our similar experiences and how we had to invest in our relationship with God individually to see fruit in our personal lives. In this episode, Whitney also shares thoughts on accountability and encouragement, walking through shame, and being productive.

Y’all, this conversation is so good! 

Enjoy the fun and laughs and prepare to be convicted by hard truths as Whitney and I  dive headfirst into a great conversation.

Highlights from Today’s Episode:

Learning God’s Word
Being more productive
Growing spiritually
Enjoying Biblical community

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“It is possible for every woman to understand God’s word.” — Whitney Capps
“A really good bible study will leave us with more questions than answers.” — Whitney Capps
“Confession is easy, but change is hard” — Whitney Capps
“God actually can do a whole lot with a little.” — Whitney Capps
“You can’t know Jesus without knowing His Word.” — Chrystal Evans Hurst
“Real, authentic, transparent, honest community is a problem because we know we all need it, but we live in a society that keeps us always skimming the surface.” — Chrystal Evans Hurst  
“I’m crazy about the local church because Jesus is crazy about the local church.” — Whitney Capps
“You don’t get the glory without going through the struggle and sticking it out.” — Chrystal Evans Hurst

Resources From Today’s Show 

Connect with Whitney on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or on her website.  
Purchase a copy of Whitney book, Sick of Me
Look into joining Simple Seminary 
Grab some of Chrystal and Whitney’s favorite pens
 Aqua Notes for writing in the shower

Other Stuff to Check Out

Grab my latest books She’s Still There, Show Up For Your Life28 Days of Prayer, or Kingdom Woman!
If you missed Episode 228  with sister,  Priscilla Click here to listen!
Get a chance to read my post about My Summer Hair Situation?
Interested in supporting the content I create?  Learn about becoming a co-producer!
Want to subscribe to the blog and grab a freebie? CLICK HERE

Let’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

What is holding you back from being productive, and how are you fighting against that? If you’re not fighting against it, in what ways could you begin?
In recent decades, biblical illiteracy has become more and more common in the church. Many Christians feel insecure about their knowledge of the Bible. Is that you? If you were asked by a non-Christian why reading the Bible matters to you, how would you answer?
What have you been doing to make time for spiritual community? In what ways can you become more transparent in your circle(s)?
What has been holding you back from getting more involved in church? In what ways can you love on your local church more and, in doing so, better the community around you?


Connect with me…









How to Listen to The Podcast

If you’re new to podcasts, think of them like little radio shows that you can listen to at your convenience. They are perfect to listen to and learn from as you workout, fold laundry, wash dishes or conquer the world.

1. Listen right here on the blog. Click the little play button at the beginning of this post.

2. Listen on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play! – Be sure and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode! Also, if you would be so kind as to leave a rating on iTunes and/or write a 2-3 sentence review there or on Stitcher?  Your commentary or rating helps make the podcast more “findable” by others who might not know it exists!

3. Share today’s show –   Email the link to a friend or share on social media. Just click on the sharing buttons at the bottom of this post!

You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

The post #229- How to Grow Spiritually first appeared on Chrystal Evans Hurst.

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