How do you stay crazy in love when your spouse is driving you crazy? It’s often said that opposites attract, and if you look at most marriages, you'll see that's true. But if you've been married for any amount of time, you also know that it’s not very long before the very characteristics that initially [...]

How do you stay crazy in love when your spouse is driving you crazy?

It’s often said that opposites attract, and if you look at most marriages, you’ll see that’s true. But if you’ve been married for any amount of time, you also know that it’s not very long before the very characteristics that initially attracted you to your spouse start to drive you crazy. On this episode, I’m chatting with my Proverbs 31 buddy, Karen Ehman. Karen is the author of Keep Showing Up: How to Stay Crazy in Love When Your Spouse is Driving You Crazy.

Karen has been married thirty-two years to the same man, and while her marriage has stood the test of time, there definitely have been bumps in the road. She’s dealt with the friction caused by differences perhaps even more than most married women. In fact, during premarital counseling, Karen and her husband were told that they only had around a 5% chance of staying married because the differences between them were so great.

While her marriage hasn’t been easy, Karen and her husband have stuck it out and learned many things along the way. Karen hopes to use her experience to encourage women who are going through normal bumps in the road like the loss of excitement, the mundaneness that settles in, and the constant busyness of raising kids.

Your marriage may not be all that you thought it would be, but I hope this episode provides a fresh perspective that helps you to keep going and keep showing up. If you’re single, don’t overlook this episode! Not only will you likely have to face differences in marriage one day, but you also have to engage with people who are different from you right now in your day-to-day life y. You can put the principles Karen shares into practice long before you walk down the aisle.

Marriage is a beautiful journey, but it inevitably comes with challenges. No one’s marriage looks exactly how they thought it would. Everyone struggles in some way. What we must remember as followers of Christ is that marriage is a special, sacred relationship in which we choose to reflect Christ’s love over and over and over again – even, if not especially, when it is difficult and doesn’t bring us immediate happiness.

In her book, Karen not only shares pieces of wisdom and insight she has gained over the years, but also offers practical suggestions for things like date nights and conversations starters that will help you talk to your spouse about your marriage. Seriously, she’s got so much good stuff to share! So listen to our chat, and then head over and grab a copy of her book!

Highlights from Today’s Episode:How to reframe your feelings about your spouse How to balance strengths and weaknesses in your marriage What it means to be a faithful forgiver Why comparing marriages is dangerous Click to Tweet “Every person in your life, your spouse included, is an on-purpose person.” – Karen Ehman “Going to your spouse for things you should only go to God for will get you in trouble”  – Karen Ehman “You are a whole person if you are single. You are not a half person.” – Karen Ehman“You have to know that sometimes it’s okay to let some plates fall and focus on the ministry of home.” – Chrystal Hurst Resources From Today’s Show Connect with Karen on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and on her website.Be sure to check out Karen’s book, Keep Showing Up: How to Stay Crazy in Love When Your Spouse is Driving You CrazyOther Stuff to Check OutGrab my latest books She’s Still There28 Days of Prayer, or Kingdom Woman!Did you miss Episode 207?! Click here to hear my conversation with Kim McQuitty  about How to Be Wife-Ready.Interested in supporting the content I create?  Learn more about becoming a co-producer!Want to subscribe to the blog and grab a freebie? CLICK HERELet’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

Has your marriage lost its spark? In what practical, tangible ways can you rekindle it? Do you value the ways in which your husband is different from you? What’s one practical way you can show him that you do? Let’s help each other keep the fire going! Share your favorite date night idea in the comments below. Connect with me…









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