I’m sure you’ve often asked yourself, “What is God’s will for my life?” Well, guess what? I know the answer! God’s will is that you both surrender your life to Him AND live on purpose. Now, you may be asking,  “What the heck does that mean?” Well, take a deep breath and trust me when [...]

I’m sure you’ve often asked yourself, “What is God’s will for my life?”

Well, guess what? I know the answer!

God’s will is that you both surrender your life to Him AND live on purpose.

Now, you may be asking,  “What the heck does that mean?” Well, take a deep breath and trust me when I say, you can let things go and pick things up at the same time. I know, I know… you are probably thinking, “But what does ‘letting go’ or surrendering even look like day to day? And besides, there are too many things in my life that won’t keep moving if I don’t push them! There are so many things I’m responsible for. There are so many people depending on me! How in the world can I surrender?!”

Trust me, I get it. I have often wondered those things myself. When overwhelmed, I have asked, “How am I  supposed to live with intention and meaning as a mother, wife, friend, and career woman and also let go and give God everything?”

Listen in, friends! You’re in for a treat. Jennifer Dukes Lee is an author, acquisitions editor, and fellow high-achiever. I felt so at home talking to her because I was grateful to know that I wasn’t the only girl trying to figure out the goals and God thing. I recorded a podcast with Jennifer and we had a very practical and helpful conversation about how to live a life of surrender while not apologizing for being a “go-getter”.  She has learned how to live with God as the CEO of her life and also be who He created her to be! Jennifer shares how we can be confident women of God who hustle hard and enjoy getting things done while also letting go of control and living the blessed and surrendered life God calls us to.

So if you are a “go-getter” who doesn’t know how to balance it all, you are in good company. After you listen to the episode, please let me know what practical takeaways you get from my conversation with Jennifer! And in the meantime, believe me when I tell you that it’s okay to do YOU!

So yes girl…

Go ahead. Hustle. Create. Shine.

Highlight from Today’s Episode:What the life of a woman who loves God look like (it may not be what you imagine!)How to both actively pursue your calling and also surrender all to GodHow to tell the difference between healthy control and unhealthy control of your lifeHow to discern what is God calling you to do and let go of the things He is not calling you toHow to recognize if you are partnering with God or playing God in your lifeClick to Tweet “Sometimes surrender means marching forward like a warrior.” – Jennifer Dukes Lee“We can be achievers and love Jesus at the same time.”  – Jennifer Dukes Lee“We don’t win spiritual brownie points for diminishing our gifts.”  – Jennifer Dukes Lee“As a woman, you aren’t called to shrink. You are called to shine.”  – Jennifer Dukes Lee“We can partner with God instead of playing God in our lives.” – Jennifer Dukes Lee“You are the direct aftermath of God breathing life into you.” – Jennifer Dukes LeeResources From Today’s Show Visit Jennifer’s website: www.jenniferdukeslee.comFollower Jennifer on Instagram and Twitter  Grab Jennifer’s book, It’s All Under ControlCheck out some of my favorite things on Amazon!Other Stuff to Check OutGrab my latest books She’s Still There28 Days of Prayer, or Kingdom Woman!Did you miss Episode 205?! Click here to hear my conversation with Amy Lynn Andrews about doing more of what you love.Interested in supporting the content I create?  Learn more about becoming a co-producer!Want to subscribe to the blog and grab a freebie? CLICK HERELet’s Talk!

After you’ve listened to the podcast, I’d love to continue the conversation. Be sure and leave a comment!

Are you energized or depleted by your calendar?Are you seeking to control your life in healthy or unhealthy ways?Are you playing God in your life, or partnering with Him? Based on your answer, what is God calling you to hang on to? What is God calling you to let go of? Connect with me…









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You have been so great to join me on the journey here on the blog, I hope you jump right in and do the same on the podcast!

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