In this episode of Global Grind, we have a thoughtful discussion about networking. Some people hate it and some people love it. You can grow to love it if you shift your perspective and have a different approach to expanding your network.

We help you to think of the following:

1. Don’t go for the big ask right away. Like dating, you flirt first before asking them to dinner, so with networking build a genuine rapport with the people you want to connect with.

2. Don’t be afraid to be candid. Let the person know what you’re struggling with especially if it’s something they too have struggled with. It’s a great way to relate.

3. Your approach should always focus on THEM. First, see what you can offer them and how you can help them with what they’re doing. Because over time, when you give someone value they’ll return the favor.

4. Know that it takes time, therefore, enjoy the journey. If someone doesn’t respond just keep trying.

And at the end of the episode, we give you an action plan to help you get your international journey started.

Bonus: Google your name and see what comes up. If there is a picture of you riding a mechanical bull topless while holding a Budweiser, remove that image from Google. You should be ashamed of yourself, who drinks Budweiser?!

Start Grinding

1. Over the next week, add at least two new connections on LinkedIn who are currently living in the city you want to live in (ideally they are expats).

2. Start one conversation over social media with someone who is currently living in the city you want to live in (this person could be one of your new LinkedIn contacts.

Do you have more questions? Or a topic you want us to unpack? Any feedback? Send us an email at [email protected].

You can also check Aaron out on his blog.

Click here to leave us a rating & a review on iTunes.

Follow us on social media: | Instagram | Twitter | Join our Facebook Tribe

The post Episode 22 | Global Grind Learn Effective Ways To Network And Build Lasting Relationships appeared first on Chronicles Abroad.


In this episode of Global Grind, we have a thoughtful discussion about networking. Some people hate it and some people love it. You can grow to love it if you shift your perspective and have a different approach to expanding your network.

We help you to think of the following:

1. Don’t go for the big ask right away. Like dating, you flirt first before asking them to dinner, so with networking build a genuine rapport with the people you want to connect with.

2. Don’t be afraid to be candid. Let the person know what you’re struggling with especially if it’s something they too have struggled with. It’s a great way to relate.

3. Your approach should always focus on THEM. First, see what you can offer them and how you can help them with what they’re doing. Because over time, when you give someone value they’ll return the favor.

4. Know that it takes time, therefore, enjoy the journey. If someone doesn’t respond just keep trying.

And at the end of the episode, we give you an action plan to help you get your international journey started.

Bonus: Google your name and see what comes up. If there is a picture of you riding a mechanical bull topless while holding a Budweiser, remove that image from Google. You should be ashamed of yourself, who drinks Budweiser?!

Start Grinding

1. Over the next week, add at least two new connections on LinkedIn who are currently living in the city you want to live in (ideally they are expats).

2. Start one conversation over social media with someone who is currently living in the city you want to live in (this person could be one of your new LinkedIn contacts.

Do you have more questions? Or a topic you want us to unpack? Any feedback? Send us an email at [email protected].

You can also check Aaron out on his blog.

Click here to leave us a rating & a review on iTunes.

Follow us on social media: | Instagram | Twitter | Join our Facebook Tribe

The post Episode 22 | Global Grind Learn Effective Ways To Network And Build Lasting Relationships appeared first on Chronicles Abroad.


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