DeNorris Johnson of Travel And Truth is changing the narrative of what it means to travel, specifically to Africa. He’s traveled to 53 countries. The sole purpose of his platform is to provide honest and educational information about the African Diaspora worldwide.

His mission is to tell the untold stories that are hidden in history books and to retell those stories that have been altered in disempowering ways.

He plans to make it easier for travelers to immerse themselves in the local culture by learning more about those cultures through his platform.

Before entering college, DeNorris described himself as close-minded and not having much exposure to the world. He saved up for seven years so he can one day quit his job to travel the world.

He shared with us how much his philosophies on life has changed because of his experiences with other cultures while traveling abroad.

DeNorris backpacked for six months in Africa while filming his whole experience. Now, he created a docu-series based on the footage called Travel And Truth. The goal is to showcase the different people, the culture, the history of various places in Africa. He is transforming the way the world sees  Africa.

The first episode is coming out later this year and it’s all about some prolific figures in Ghana who are or have impacted the Ghanian culture including members of the African American community.

In this episode, you’ll be inspired by the following:

1. You can afford to travel it’s just a matter of priorities.
2. Travel is one of the biggest investments that you can gift yourself.
3. Solo travel is a great way to grow as a person.

Want to see what DeNorris is up to? Check him out on the following media platforms:

Instagram: @TravelAndTruth
Website: Travel And Truth
YouTube: Travel & Truth

So tune in!

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The post Episode 104 | DeNorris From Travel And Truth Retelling Stories Of Africa appeared first on Chronicles Abroad.

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