Karen is a Worldschooling mom and a nomadic chef. She has cooked professionally, in restaurants, commercial kitchens, and private homes on four different continents over the last decade.

Karen followed her husband to Japan for what was supposed to be a one year journey. It turned into 10 years of living abroad in Asia. Her husband helped to push her outside of her comfort zone to try something different and a bit scary. She shares with us how as a couple they decided to make this drastic move in their lives when one person was reluctant about it.

But after being accepted to this one and a lifetime opportunity at this culinary program in Italy, Karen and her family’s life would drastically change yet again. She would finally pursue this nomadic chef lifestyle.

Karen encourages people to embrace a Slow Food Lifestyle. She teaches people of all ages how to cook for themselves and why it's important to share that gift with those they love.

We talk about motherhood, self-care and what it means to slow food lifestyle. Slow down so you can be present for the ones you love.

In this episode, you'll be inspired by the following:
1. Ask yourself what would it take to make the one thing you want to happen, happen?
2. There’s no richer and more cultural experience than to travel the world with your child.
3. Always fill your cup first before you fill anyone else's.

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Want to connect more with Karen? Check her out on these following social media platforms:

Our Kitchen Classroom FB: OurKitchenClassroom YouTube IG: Karen

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