At age 41 Stephanie Perry, quit her job as a hospital pharmacy technician to travel the world for a year on her savings. She visited 12 countries in 12 months all on just $1200 per month. Now she's a year-round house sitter and pet sitter who helps other women take a career break on a budget.

Stephanie discusses how she got into house sitting. If you’ve ever been interested in house sitting then this is a great episode to jump-start your adventure.

Stephanie shares the following:

What matters the most when you start searching for house sitting opportunities. How to position yourself in front of homeowners. The number one challenge in booking house sitting jobs. How to cater your emails to homeowners so you can get more bookings.The impact of long versus short term house sitting. The number one skill you need to have to be the best house sitter that you can be.

In this episode, you’ll be inspired by the following:
1. It's never too late to change your life, no matter what your age is.
2. Community is everywhere.
3. If you really want to make something happen, don't let anyone get in the way of that.

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Want to connect more with Stephanie? Check her out on these following social media platforms:

Instagram @Vaycarious


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