Natasha is on a mission to encourage others to take risks, make connections, explore their heritage through Africa and travel the world. She does this through her blog Diaspora Returns. Even though she wanted her journey around the world to last forever. Natasha landed back in the states in April of 2019 with an empty bank account and no regrets.

Natasha was part of a mass lay off. But that didn't stop her from going on this journey. It's through travel she learned how to untether herself from negative programming. We talk about identity, purpose, and gifts.’

There are days that you will question yourself. Children are naturally free. There’s a light that only you can shine. When you live free it inspires others to begin to think. We talk about the Black experience and how to manage negative self-talk.

In this episode you'll be inspired by the following:
1. Risks aren’t so risky when you start taking them.
2. To be yourself takes a lot of courage.
3. We’re all born free and uninhibited but it's up to us to return to that place of freedom.

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