Today on the Chronically Healing Podcast I’m welcoming back Dr. Lois Nahirney to go through my lifestyle DNA test results LIVE! Lois has been on the show before (which you can listen to here) and she is the CEO of dnaPower and has seen results from getting her own DNA test results.

dnaPower is a DNA testing company that helps you find out more about what is right for YOUR body and where you may need some help in the form of lifestyle changes, supplements, etc. I was a bit surprised by some of the “scary” things that popped up in my test results, but I also feel equipped to focus on some lifestyle changes that will keep me happy and healthy into my future.

In today’s podcast, Lois takes me through my results live and explains what all of it means. I’ll have the podcast linked below, but I’ll also have a YouTube video to watch for all of you that want to see the actual results. In the YouTube video, Lois is showing you my exact test and explaining how it works. If you’re interested in getting your own DNA lifestyle testing, I highly recommend you watch the video!

To try out dnaPower’s testing, head on over to and use coupon code ‘jessie’ for $50 off totalPower!