Women out there in Chronically Healing Podcast land… this is an episode you NEED to listen to. Today’s guest is Amber Romaniuk, an Emotional Eating, Digestive and Hormone Expert. I resonated so much with this episode - weight gain with Hashimoto’s and my body image are a daily (okay, hourly) struggle for me.

During Amber’s episode, we talked about her personal experience with disordered, emotional eating and the unrealistic expectations on women’s body. Amber tells us SO MUCH about learning how to trust and take care of our bodies and truly believing that our body loves us - unconditionally.

In today’s episode we chat about:

Amber's story with disordered eating and negative body image

The unrealistic social conditioning women have about our own bodies

We lack trust within ourselves because we're fighting with our bodies and we're disconnected

The lie of reaching a goal weight and both of our experiences with that

Body image + chronic illness + hormone issues (elimination diets, etc.)

How she coaches women to find body confidence and achieve Body Freedom™ so they can create their best lives

Links and things…

Amber’s Website

The No Sugarcoating Podcast

Amber’s Instagram

Women Choosing Body Freedom Facebook Group

Jessie's Instagram

Jessie’s TikTok

Chronically Healing Facebook Group
