Today's guest is Dick Rhoades of Universal Sound Therapy! Dick joins us from Minnesota and we spend our time chatting about all things sound therapy and how people use his sound healing sessions.

"Everything in our body vibrates at certain frequencies when it is healthy and science has been able to measure and duplicate those healthy frequencies. When we are sick or injured our frequencies change. Our protocols remind your body what the correct frequency is and the body adapts and corrects itself. Sound is an amazing tool, it gives us the ability to heal naturally."

In today's episode we chat about ... 

What even is sound therapy? How Dick and his wife got started with sound therapy Some testimonials of those that have used sound therapy in their healing How you can get a free alignment protocol!

Links and things ...

Get the Alignment Protocol free - use code "Worthashot" Universal Sound Therapy Website Email: [email protected] Phone: 218-833-2325