Dressing For Success I'm so excited about today's episode because, y'all, we are talking about clothes! Okay, I'm not a fashion expert and I'm certainly not a stylist. But I will tell you, I've never met a pair of pumps I didn't like-and I know that the right outfit can instantly change the way I carry myself, how confident I feel, and my overall mood. It's simple, really: I feel my best when I look my best. And I think you will, too. Now I'm the first to admit: I've made my share of fashion mistakes. A few years ago, I was at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas speaking at a huge conference wearing my most favorite black waxed jeans and a teal blouse. I was in one of my-shall we say-"fluffier" stages. And I may or may not have had to squeeze into those jeans, but I did happen to think I looked pretty cute. But then the photographs from my client came in. One look and all I could see were jeans that were creasing and pulling-in all the wrong places, I might add. Throw in the reflection of the bright stage lights, and it was glaringly obvious that my jeans were entirely too tight. I told my leader right then and there, "I can do better. I will do better." And I haven't stepped foot on a stage since without first asking myself one question: "Am I dressed for success today?" Can the Way I Dress Affect My Business? You may be wondering what any of this has to do with your business. In a word? Everything. The way you present yourself (and what you wear is a big part of that) affects your customers' opinion of you. That opinion and first impression then influences whether they do business with you, which positively or negatively impacts your bottom line. And your bottom line, of course, determines the ultimate success or failure of your business. So dressing for success is about so much more than just clothes! How Can I Dress for Success? In this episode, I'll talk about the three most common mistakes women make when it comes to clothes-and believe me, I've been there too. Yep, I've made every single one of them. But the good news is these mistakes have easy solutions. I'll share those with you as well! By the way, I also have a little formula I follow when it comes to putting together a super cute outfit. And don't worry. It doesn't require a closet full of clothes and accessories or a wardrobe loaded with the latest trends. And you definitely don't need to spend a lot of money to pull it off. Even better? It works every time! It's almost as good as having a personal stylist. I can't wait to tell you all about it! I know that, just like me, you'll feel the best when you look your best. And when you're at your best, I know one thing for sure: There's no stopping you. My Guest This Week Is Toi Sweeney! Toi is an award-winning stylist, brand image specialist, and successful entrepreneur who is passionate about helping women-everyone from influencers to CEOs-present themselves favorably in business. And the stakes are pretty high. "You are a brand. Your clothing is your packaging," says Toi. "That packaging is one of the most visible ways to stand out from the rest." After 20 years in the fashion industry, Toi has styled her share of personalities and has made it her mission to do so as authentically and uniquely as possible. After all, she believes what we wear on the outside should be a reflection of who we are on the inside. But there is a right and a wrong way to achieve that. Did you know that, on average, you have less than nine seconds to convince your customers that you are smart and kind and worthy of their business? And did you know that the color you wear impacts someone else's perception of you? Or that the wrong personal image could lead to lost opportunities? That means every single style choice, from the color of our earrings to the height of the heels of our shoes, is an opportunity to cultivate trust. That may seem like a lot of...