Our text this week deals with living so as not to gratify the sinful nature. The Apostle gives us several insights into how to live holy lives; lives that are not deadened by the awful effects of sin. Basically his advice is to live by the Spirit. Or to put it in other words, keep in step with the Spirit. Or to say it even another way, live up to your position in Christ. When we are living as Spiritual people we will not succumb to the old way of living in bondage to our old selves, our old natures.
Paul contrasts the acts of the sinful nature with the fruit of the Spirit. Anyone in their right minds would choose to live the way of the Spirit. All those acts of the sinful nature only lead to hurt and despair. The Fruit, on the other hand lead to the kind of life we want to live. This way of life is only possible by the work of the Spirit in us as he does his good work of transforming us from the inside out.
We have a part to play in this transformation. We must keep in step with the Spirit and cooperate with his good work in us. In the end, if we live like this, we create a community in harmony and balance as we accept and enjoy our unique identities. Any community that lapses into trying to follow the law ends up nit picking and provoking one another in a continual contest to see who can be the most worthy of God's gifts. This is indeed so contrary to the Gospel's purpose.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Slide 2-3. Why do some followers of Jesus lapse into allowing their sin natures to control them? Is it more difficult today to live free from the awful effects of our sin natures?
2. Slide 9. When Pauls says "live by the Spirit" it is a continuous, ongoing verb tense in the original language. What does it mean to "keep on living" by the Spirit?
3. Slide 10-12. Discuss the differences between the fruit of the Spirit and the acts of the Sinful Nature.
4. Slide 13-14. What part do we play in crucifying the sinful nature?
5. Slide 15. Why do you think Paul finds it necessary to warn the Galatians about those who live according to their sinful natures?
6. Slide 16. How can you tell if the Christian community that you belong to is legalistic or grace based?