Change Before You Have To

Sermon: Humility Helps – The Healing of Naaman

2 Kings 5:1-19

Sermon Summary

The Big Idea of this study is that humble obedience is key to the change Jesus expects in his followers.

The Children of Israel are the poster children to warn us to change before we have to. They failed to change. They were warned about the consequences of worshipping foreign gods and neglecting their role as God’s chosen people. They ended up in captivity and it is only there that they humbled themselves and began to follow the Lord with passion and faithfulness.

Out text is a study in contrasts. See the difference between the attitude of the servant girl and that of the King of Israel. The little girl leads the way in demonstrating humble obedience and service; while the King seems totally out of it.

Even Naaman, the mighty man of valour, eventually shows humble obedience and washes in the Jordon river. He ends up devoted to worshipping Yahweh only, something the Israelites were reluctant to do even while in the Promised Land.

There is also a contrast in our story between the might of Aram’s army and the Word of the Prophet. It is not horses or chariots or financial resources that save the day. It is the power of God.

“God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” This principle is repeated three times in scripture. First in Proverbs 3:34 then in James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5 the same idea is emphasized. Humility is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the primary marks of the followers of Jesus. In fact we see this as one of the often repeated descriptions of Jesus. See Matt. 11:29; John 13:12-15; Phil. 2:8; Etc.

Questions for Discussion:

1. What does it mean to be humble? Discuss C.S Lewis’ quote: Humility is not thinking less of yourself; but it is thinking of yourself less.”

2. Why is humility such an important fruit of the Godly life? Where do you see it most radically demonstrated in the life of Christ?

3. In the story of Naaman, who is the hero and why?

4. What contrasts do you see in the story? How do they highlight the lessons to be learned?

5. How might we engender humility in our lives? Is there a soul exercise that would help us stay humble?