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Our holiday episode 2020 is not going to look like our other episodes - but, then, I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a ‘doozy’ of a year, so I suppose a little bit of a wonky holiday episode from the Christian Indie Writers  is to be expected!

This will be the last time we “gather” before Christmas - in fact, because of the holidays 
(Christmas and New Year’s Day) both falling on Friday! we won’t see you all again until January, 2021!* So, this year we’re going to talk about looking ahead and planning ahead - basically a plan of attack for the new year.

Let’s face it, you can’t hit a target you can’t see, and without a clear set of goals to shoot for, and a plan in place for meeting them, it’s possible my career will still be where it is today  when the last piece of Christmas tinsel is pulled from the roller of my vacuum cleaner sometime next spring!

So, join us, won’t you, and be inspired to get your own writing career ‘house’ in order, or to get all your writerly ‘ducks in a row,’ or (fill in here whatever other sort of corporate catch phrase you would find most inspiring and persuasive).