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Have you ever sat down with the intention of crafting a wonderful read, only to find yourself staring at a blinking cursor and a blank page for hours, wondering how or even where to begin? 

 What if I told you the secret to banishing the blank page had nothing to do with plotting, or planning, or forming a plan of attack, but had absolutely everything to do with charging ahead - literally, just writing anything that comes to mind?

“But wait!” You say, “I can’t just write down whatever comes to mind! No one will want to read that!” Well, Indie, no one is going to read your unedited sprint (unless you’re crazy like us and insist on sharing them!), but as my co-host Jen always says, “you can’t edit a blank page.” Plus, it turns out, there’s actually some really cool scientific stuff going on when you are a prolific sprinter! 

Join us for today's episode, filled with lots of good reasons why you should add writing sprints to your writing routine.