Everyone fights those nagging little voices of condemnation that speak to their own minds. It's part of the human condition. But for Christians, there is a powerful way to deal with those lies, and it's based on the truths God has shared with us in His word.

Parents, you have to know that your kids are going to struggle with those same issues. In fact, they probably already do, even the younger ones. In this episode, Carey is going to walk you through a passage from the book of Hebrews and show you how the truth found there is able to help you and your kids deal with the condemning thoughts and voices that threaten to hold you back from living with confidence as God intends.

Music used by permission of Adam Rey - http://www.HeyReyGuitar.com

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The main music track used in the Christian Home and Family Podcast is entitled, "Midian" and is from Adam Rey's instrumental album Meat & Potatoes - Adam has generously given me permission to use his music, so please, support his generosity by checking out and purchasing his music at www.heyreyguitar.com - (no affiliate relationship, Adam's just my friend.) ** these are affiliate links