Today is my fan girl moment, as I have followed Cliff Ravenscraft for a couple of years and he has inspired me immensely in business and in life. If you are not familiar with Cliff, we can safely say that the top 100 Business Podcasts producers are either Cliff’s clients or students.

Cliff started podcasting in 2005 as a hobby. In the last decade his love for people, technology and enjoyment for podcasting led to his faith walk to create a business he loves and a platform to impact lives!

In this episode, we dig deep in his behind-the-scene stories of how he gave up the high income from the corporate world, to start his business from Podcasting with the humble beginning of $11,000 annual income to now $500,000 and beyond business revenue, more importantly-thousands of lives have been changed because of his Faith Walk with God in this journey!


What You’ll Find Out From This Episode:

How Cliff became the well-known Podcast Answerman and a mentor to many people both in business and life. How Cliff’s faith in God allowed him to leave a very promising career as an insurance agent, to pursue his passion for podcasting, and to reach for his greatest goal of being a full-time “Minister”. How Cliff and his family got through the first year of podcasting full-time after quitting his lucrative insurance career. Cliff’s thoughts on seeking advice from others. How Cliff promotes his business and how he views sales. What prompted Cliff to take control of his health and fitness issues. What Cliff’s #1 advice to fellow entrepreneurs.


Last but not the least, Thank You so much for Tuning In!

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For all the show notes and goodies from this episode, visit